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Treacherous by Alex Grayson & Melissa Toppen Page 12

  “You’re going to let some girl, especially her, fuck up our friendship?”

  I let go of his shirt and take a step back. “I was fine with the petty shit. Hell, I helped with some of it. I even let the stunt you pulled at the party slide, although I felt that was taking it too far. But this,” I gesture to the still laughing crowd behind me, “this shit is not funny. It’s over.”

  Before he has a chance to say anything else that might have my fist landing against his face, I turn around and leave the gym. There are a few people in the hallway, but from the savage expression on my face, they stay out of my way and keep their mouths shut. The school doors slam against the building when I sling them open.

  I expect Charles to have already gotten Rylee out of here, so I’m surprised to find them beside her car. She has her back pressed against the trunk, her arms crossed protectively over her chest, and her head lowered, looking at the ground. Her hair has fallen forward, so I can’t see her face. Charles is standing in front of her, saying something quietly, and she nods.

  I have no fucking clue what I’m going to say, but I still go over to them. Charles notices me first and stiffens, then steps protectively in front of Rylee to shield her.

  “I’m getting her out of here,” I tell him, pulling my keys from my pocket.

  “Like hell you are,” Charles states angrily, fisting his hands at his sides. “You really think I’m going to let you take her anywhere when you—”

  I cut him off and bump my chest into his, forcing him back a step. “If you were smart, you wouldn’t finish that statement,” I warn with a deadly calm voice. “I had nothing to do with that shit, and had I known, I would have stopped it.”

  “And we’re supposed to just believe you?” he scoffs.

  “I don’t give a fuck if you believe me or not. All I care about at this moment is getting Rylee the hell out of here before the parking lot fills with nosy people. School’s out in ten minutes. I suggest you get the fuck out of my way so I can get her home.”

  He crosses his arms over his chest, staying in place. I have to hand it to the guy. I could lay him out with one swing, and he knows this, but he still places himself in harm’s way, all in a misguided attempt to protect Rylee from me.

  I unlock my fists, ready to forcefully move him out of the way, when Rylee steps up beside him with her back facing me. She lays her hand on his arm.

  “It’s fine, Pierce. I’ll be okay,” she says quietly. I fucking hate the cracks in her voice.

  “You sure? I can take you somewhere myself.”

  “You can’t. You have your appointment with Mrs. Miller, remember?”

  He scowls. “Fuck Mrs. Miller. You’re more important.”

  She shakes her head, her silky brown hair swishing against her back. “I am not more important than your future. You need to go and rock the hell out of your presentation.”

  They have a stare down, but after a moment, Charles nods. Leaning down, he presses a kiss to her forehead. “They’re all assholes. You hear me?” She nods. “Call me later.”

  After a promise from Rylee that she’ll call, he lifts his eyes to me. His gaze loses some of its warmth. “Take care of her.”

  I jerk up my chin.

  It’s not until he walks away that Rylee turns toward me, and the look on her face brings my anger back tenfold. She’s deathly pale and her eyes are red and glossy. She hasn’t shed a tear, but I know she’s barely holding it in. Most girls would have been in hysterics, but Rylee has shown her resilience over and over again. Despite all the shit she’s been through, she’s never looked so close to breaking down as she does at this moment.

  Some of my anger is pointed at myself. I’m no fucking better than the other assholes at this school. I’m just as responsible, because I played my part. Guilt and shame hit me square in the chest.

  She doesn’t look at me, instead keeping her eyes pointed ahead at my truck several spots over. Her arms are tightly crossed over her chest still. I gently unclasp one of her hands from around her bicep, interlocking our fingers together. Her hands are cold and clammy, and even though I’m touching her, she still keeps her eyes forward. I fucking hate it. I wish she’d look at me; give me something. I’d even take the venom-filled look she’s given me several times in the past. Lord knows I fucking deserve it as much as everyone else does. Anything to make that horrific look leave her eyes.

  Neither of us say anything as we walk to my truck. I open the door for her, and she quickly climbs into the seat, not once making eye contact with me. I rake my hand through my hair as I walk around and climb behind the wheel. As I start my truck, I glance at her. Her arms are back across her chest, attempting to protect herself.

  “Where do you want to go?” I ask her quietly.

  Her shrug is stiff. “I don’t care. Just not home.”

  I lock my jaw and put my truck in gear, pulling out of the parking lot and turning left. I drive for about twenty minutes before I turn down an overgrown gravel road. I haven’t been here since I was a kid, but I chose this spot because I know no one ever comes out here.

  The road is bumpy and the brush is so thick that it scrapes against the side of my truck, no doubt leaving scratches in the already rusted paint. The clearing opens up, and I drive over the small mounds of dirt until we’re directly in front of the big screen. One corner is broken off and graffiti covers most of the rest.

  I put my truck in park, but keep the engine running for warmth.

  “This used to be the hot spot when my parents were younger,” I say to fill the silence. “It shut down when I was eight. The last movie I saw here was Iron Man. I sat in the front seat between my parents.”

  Rylee doesn’t move; not even a twitch of her fingers.

  “I should have listened to you,” she says after a few painful minutes of silence have filled the cab of the truck between us. “You tried to warn me, but I ignored you.” Her voice breaks and a lone tear slides down her cheek. “Why does he hate me so much?”

  “I don’t know.”

  My stomach plummets to my goddamn toes when she finally looks at me. Devastation fills the pretty brown orbs. Never has a simple look bothered me so much as seeing the desolation on Rylee’s face.

  Before I realize what I’m doing, I’ve unbuckled us both, scooped her in my arms, and set her sideways on my lap, her back against the door. Her eyes widen for a brief moment at the sudden movement.

  Her bottom lip wobbles, and it’s only a split second later that she finally breaks. Her eyes fill with tears and her face crumples. I pull her to my chest and she buries her face in the crook of my neck, clutching my shirt in her small fists- like there’s even a chance in hell I would let her go. Her sobs crack something inside my chest, and I can barely catch my breath along with her. I rub her back and brush her hair from her face, trying my damnedest to offer her comfort. It doesn’t feel like it’s enough, but other than going back to school and beating the shit out of Oliver and Tiffany, this is the only thing I can give her at the moment.

  My shirt is soaked by the time Rylee begins to calm down. Her breaths come in shuddering pants, but at least it’s not the hiccupping sobs of a moment ago. She keeps her face in my neck, and I’m not ashamed to admit I like having her there. I just wish the circumstances were different.

  After a few moments, she sucks in a shaky breath and lifts her head. With the steering wheel in the way, she can’t go very far. She tries to move from my lap, but I don’t want to let her go yet, so I hold her in place by her hips.

  “Stay for a couple more minutes,” I request gruffly. Seeing her so broken has really fucked with my emotions. “Please.”

  She nods and her eyes slide to my neck. “I’m sorry about your shirt.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about my shirt, Rylee.”

  She nods again. Lifting her hands, she scrubs them across her face, wiping away the evidence of her break down. Even with her eyes puffy, her complexion
red and splotchy, and her hair a tangled mess, she’s still so damn beautiful.

  “This is so embarrassing,” she mumbles, fisting her hands in her lap and darting her eyes away from me.

  “What is?”

  She gives a humorless laugh. “You know what, Zayden. This. All of this.” She gestures around the truck. “And that video….” She trails off, closing her eyes.

  I gently grip her chin and turn her face back toward me. It takes her several seconds to open her eyes, and even then she has a hard time meeting mine.

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  “Says the guy who wasn’t just humiliated by a video showing very personal things in a very public way.”

  “First off, you did that in the privacy of your room, and it should have stayed that way.”

  “Yeah, but it—”

  “Secondly,” I say, cutting her off, “who the fuck cares if you touch yourself? People do it all the time. It’s normal, I bet every single one of those fuckers in that gym do it, too.”

  She bites her lip and her brows form a deep V as she frowns. I remove my hand from her chin and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.

  “Lastly,” I add, dropping my voice, “and I’m sorry if this embarrasses you further, but do you have any fucking clue how much of a compliment it is to know you’ve touched yourself while thinking of me?”

  Her face flushes red for an entirely different reason now. She releases her lip from her teeth, and I’m tempted to take it between mine. Only the seriousness of the current situation prevents me from doing so.

  She shakes her head, dislodging the hair I’d slid behind her ear. “I didn’t….” She licks her lips. “That video cut off right before I moved my hand away.”

  “Well, that’s really fucking disappointing.” My voice is husky.

  She purses her lips together, a slight scowl forming on her face. “Are you joking right now? Really?”

  I settle one hand on her thigh, keeping it close to her knee.

  “Fuck no, I’m not joking. Do you know how many times I’ve jacked off to the thought of you?” Her mouth drops open and her breath hitches. “Too many to count. I expect calluses to start popping up on my palms any minute.”

  “You’re lying,” she accuses, narrowing her eyes.

  “Actually, I’m not. It wouldn’t surprise me if my dad starts charging me for water. I’ve taken so many showers lately.”

  Her lips twitch, but she doesn’t smile, which is a pity, because I’d give damn near anything to have her smile right now.

  Suddenly, her eyes glaze over with that despondent look again and she glances down at her hand. “I’m never going to be able to show my face again. Oliver has officially ruined my last year of high school.”

  “Fuck Oliver, fuck Tiffany, and fuck everyone else. Don’t let them win by admitting defeat.” I take one of her hands and lace our fingers together. She uses her other hand to trace the veins in the back of mine. “You’re one of the strongest and most resilient people I know, Rylee. Don’t let them take that strength from you.”

  “I just don’t understand how he could hate me so much to do something like that.”

  “I don’t think his part was intentional.” Her head jerks up at that, anger making the brown in her eyes darker. “I spoke with him before I came out to the parking lot. He said he took the video only with the intention to show you- something he could hold over your head. Tiffany found the video on his phone and must’ve sent it to herself.”

  “And you believe him?” she asks incredulously.

  It’s my turn to frown.

  “Yes. Oliver is an asshole, and we’ve done some pretty shitty things to you.” I swallow thickly, thinking about my part in her torment. “But I don’t think he’d go that far.”

  “Maybe you don’t know him as well as you think.”

  “Maybe,” I concede with a nod. “But one thing I do know is he won’t be fucking with you again.”

  She tilts her head to the side, studying me. “And how do you know that?”

  “Because I’ll beat his fucking ass if he even tries.”

  Her brows jump up so high her forehead wrinkles. “But he’s your best friend.”

  “Best friend or not, you’re now off limits.”

  “Why? You don’t even like me. You said so yourself.”

  I lean forward until only a couple of inches separate our mouths. “Maybe I’ve changed my mind.”

  “Oh.” Confusion clouds her eyes. “You have?”

  “Yes, Rylee. I have.”

  I close the gap between us. The second my lips touch hers she releases a little sigh and her body relaxes against mine. I know I need to keep this kiss simple, because now isn’t the time for anything more, but it doesn’t stop my body from reacting. My cock grows stiff underneath the plumpness of her ass, tempting me to press my hips upward at the same time I pull her down. I wasn’t lying when I told her I’ve jacked off multiple times with her in mind. And it looks like tonight will be no different.

  With a groan, I lift my head. Rylee’s eyes flutter open, a glazed look on her face. I drop my forehead to her temple and pull in several deep breaths to rein in my desire. I think about Danielle and her illness, my grandmother and her chocolate cookies, and the assignment I still need to do in my economics class. Anything to take my mind off the girl in my arms and what she does to my body.

  Soon, my erection begins to wilt, and I’ve managed to get myself under control enough to lift my head. Rylee watches me with wary eyes.

  “What’s going on here, Zayden?” Her voice comes out small and unsure.

  “I don’t know,” I answer truthfully. “I just know I’d like to find out.”

  “Swear to me right now,” she states, strengthening her voice, “that whatever this is, it isn’t something you and Oliver have cooked up to screw with me even more. I honestly don’t think I can take another thing. Especially not that.”

  My jaw clenches and anger makes the vein in my temple pound. She has every right to be suspicious of my motives. Fuck knows I would be too if I were in her situation.

  “That’s the second time you’ve brought that up. I’ve given you no reason to trust me, but I’m asking you to do so now anyway. Oliver has not one damn thing to do with whatever is going on between us. In fact, I think it’s safe to say this is not something he would be okay with.”

  After several tense seconds, she nods. “Okay.”

  That one word has my shoulders relaxing.

  She leans back against the door, resting one hand on the steering wheel and laying her other arm around my shoulders. She looks out the windshield to the big screen in front of us.

  “My parents brought me here once. Funnily enough, the movie we saw was Iron Man.” She looks at me, her lips curling wryly.

  “No shit?” Small world.

  She smiles, and the weight on my chest doesn’t feel quite so heavy. “Yep. It was my first and only time going to a drive-in theater.”

  I recline my seat back a couple of inches and pull her closer to me. She lets go of the steering wheel and places her hand on my chest.

  “The night my parents brought me here was the last night we ever went to the theater. Mom had just found out she was pregnant with Danielle. She started her affair not long after Danielle was born.”

  “I’m sorry,” Rylee says quietly.

  I shrug. “I got over it a long time ago. Mom and Dad divorced four years ago.” I twist my neck to dislodge one of her hairs stuck on the bristles on my chin. “The guy she cheated on my dad with is some big business mogul. She was his secretary. Her affair came to light when Dad and I went to visit her at the office. We saw them kissing outside her car in the parking garage. Mom left; didn’t even try to work it out with Dad. When she left, she left for good. I’ve only seen her a handful of times since then. And she’s seen Danielle even less.”

  “What a bitch,” Ryle
e mumbles. Her eyes go wide and she slaps a hand over her mouth. “Sorry,” she mutters, the word muffled.

  I kiss the back of her hand. “Don’t be. It’s the truth. She stopped being a mother to Danielle and me long before she left, so it wasn’t that much of a shock.”

  She slowly drops her hand back to my chest. “That’s why you don’t like people with money, isn’t it?”

  “It wasn’t until I heard them arguing one night that I found out Mom resented Dad because he wouldn’t let her have an abortion when she found out she was pregnant with me in college. She was pre-law and was forced to quit during her sophomore year when she almost miscarried. The doctors ordered bedrest. She never forgave him.”

  Her hand bunches my shirt into her fist. “It takes two people to get pregnant. She took that risk just as much as your father did when they slept together. She’s just as much to blame as he is.”

  “She doesn’t see it that way.”

  “Well, I’m sorry, but your mom is blind. And selfish,” she adds vehemently.

  “You’ll get no arguments from me.”

  “Is she still with the mogul?”

  “Yes. They married six months after the divorce went through.”

  “Please tell me she didn’t have any more kids.”

  I rub circles over her jean clad thigh. “No. She can’t. After she had Danielle, she had her tubes snipped and tied. Didn’t even bother to tell Dad she had it done.”

  “Your mother sounds like a real piece of work. I hope you know that.”

  I grunt. “I’ve known for a while now.”

  “What about your dad? Did he ever remarry?”

  “He’s dated a couple of women, but nothing serious. I think the shit that went down really fucked his head up.”

  Rylee’s lips pull down into a frown. “He really loved her.” She observes.

  “He worshipped the ground she walked on. That’s what’s so fucked up about the situation. He loved my mom so much, and for a while I thought she felt the same way. Or the innocence of my youth made me see it that way. Love can be a fickle bitch sometimes.”

  It turns quiet for several beats, only the hum of the heater filling the silence.