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Treacherous by Alex Grayson & Melissa Toppen Page 18

  I look at Charles and he nods. “Got it.”

  “You stay with Charles the whole time, and you both stay with Hart’s guy. Got it?” She nods. “Words, Rylee,” I bark.

  She lets out an exasperated sigh. “I’ve got it, Zayden. Calm down.”

  I put my face closer to hers.

  “This is no joke. People get hurt here. People who aren’t in fights. An accidental shove could land you in the hospital with broken bones or a concussion. Do you have any idea what I would do if that happened to you?” She gnaws on her bottom lip but doesn’t say anything. “I’ll kill any fuckers who dare touch you.”

  Her eyes widen and her lips part. I lean down and kiss her. I didn’t want to freak her out, but she needs to know how serious the situation can be.

  She licks her lips when I pull back. She seems nervous when she says quietly, “I’ll stay with Pierce and Hart’s guy.”

  “Thank you.”

  I dart a glance at Charles to see an amused expression on his face. Ignoring him, I grab Rylee’s hand again and open the basement door. Raucous noise greets us as we make our way down the stairs. My muscles tense as we round the corner and I take in the over-packed room. Fight nights are always busy, but it seems even more crowded than usual. There’s hardly any walking room.

  I spot Hart’s shiny bald head through the crowd, standing in the same corner he always stands in before a fight. I pull Rylee behind me as we walk toward him. When he notices our approach, he turns from the guy he’s talking to and holds out a fist for me to bump.

  “I need a guy tonight,” I say, getting down to business. “I need him to stay with her at the front of the ring.” I lift my chin at Rylee.

  “Done. I’ll put Hammer on her.” Hart tips his head to the guy he was talking to when we walked up, and he walks off. Hart’s eyes then move to Rylee. “Now, how about you introduce me to this gorgeous little lady.”

  I tug Rylee so she’s tucked against my side. “Hart, this is my girlfriend, Rylee.” I jerk my chin to Charles. “And her friend, Charles.”

  Charles holds out his hand and Hart takes it. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Same.” He looks back to Rylee, his eyes holding curiosity. “So, you’re the reason my man Zayden has been off lately.” He grins.

  “I haven’t been off,” I grouch.

  “Sanders had you pinned down longer than you’ve ever been pinned before,” he reminds me. I don’t need him telling me that shit. I remember it well.

  “The guy was three hundred fucking pounds and a brute.”

  He laughs, actually fucking laughs. “Big guys always move slower, you know that.”

  “Whatever,” I growl. “It was a one off. I have no plans to let it happen again.”

  He claps me on the shoulder. “Make sure you don’t. I like my undefeated status.”

  I lift a brow. “You mean my undefeated status?”

  “That too.” He holds his hand out to Rylee. “Anyway, it’s nice to finally meet you. He could have picked a better time, like when the store upstairs is open, but it’s about damn time Zayden brings a girl around for me to meet.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too,” Rylee says, offering a smile. “I’ll have to stop by during the day next time.”

  “You do that, sweetness.” He turns back to me. “So, what’s this I hear about Danielle getting approved for a set of lungs?”

  “I was actually going to talk to you about that after the fight. The insurance company finally came through. She met with a transplant team a couple of days ago.”

  “It’s about damn time. Took the bastards long enough.” He claps a hand on my shoulder. “I’m happy for her.”

  “Thanks, man.” I glance around the crowded room. “It’s not normally this packed,” I comment. “What gives?”

  Hart’s expression turns serious. “The guy you’re up against is from a couple counties over. Apparently, he’s undefeated in his parts.”

  I nod, not worried about the fight itself, just the tight crowd and the trouble it could cause. Not only for Rylee, but for Hart as well. Things can get out of hand really fast in a group this size.

  Hammer, a huge motherfucker Hart normally has moving around the room, keeping an eye on things, walks up to his side. “Sup, boss?”

  “I want you glued to this girl’s side.” He gestures to Rylee. “Not one fucking person touches her, and if they try, break them.”

  “You got it, boss.”

  After introductions are made between Rylee, Charles, and Hammer, we leave Hart behind and make our way through the crowd. I have her as close as possible to my side while Charles is on her other. Hammer is in front of us, making a path. People call my name, but I ignore them all. My sole focus is getting Rylee to the front of the crowd, where there are several other men controlling the masses.

  Once we’re at the front, I turn Rylee by her shoulders to face me.

  “Stay here until it’s over. I’ll come to you.”


  She rolls to her toes and presses a kiss against my lips. I groan into her mouth, wishing we were alone so I could taste her better. It’s been a few of days since I’ve had my hands on her, and I feel like I’m going through fucking withdrawals.

  All too soon, she falls back to her feet, and I almost grab her up and bring her back to my lips. Only the sound of the crowd and Charles’ expression I see in my periphery stops me.

  “Please be careful,” Rylee says with a worried expression. I tuck a piece of loose hair behind her ear. It makes my chest feel warm knowing she’s concerned.

  “I will be.” I kiss her one more time before glancing at Charles. “Take care of my girl.”

  Lifting his hand to his forehead, he salutes me. “I’ll kick anyone’s ass who comes close to her.”

  “Why don’t you leave the ass kicking to Hammer and me? I’d hate to have to carry you out of here over my shoulder,” I reply, only partially in jest. I’m sure Charles can hold his own in some situations, but he isn’t known here. There’s no reason for anyone to help him if he needed it.

  He looks around at the wild group of people. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. Just make sure you don’t get your ass kicked.”

  “Not happening.”

  Reaching back, I yank my shirt over my head, handing it to Rylee. She clutches it to her chest, her eyes briefly raking over my naked chest. I flex my pecs, just to watch her expression. I chuckle when she licks her lips and darts her eyes up to mine.

  I lean down until my lips are at her ear. “Be prepared to lose Charles after the fight. I’ve been fucking dying for another taste of you since I walked out of your room last week.” I press a kiss below her ear, then take a step back.

  Her cheeks are pink and she looks a little breathless, just the way I want her. To leave her with thoughts of all the ways my tongue will run over her beautiful body.

  With one more look, I tip my chin to Hammer, and he steps up beside Rylee. I spin on my heel and walk away before I decide to skip the fight and get her out of this place.

  All my good thoughts die away when I step into the center of the open area and spy my opponent off to the side. He has a few inches on me, but our build is the same.

  When I notice where his eyes are directed, boiling rage fills my veins. His lips form a slow smirk as he pulls his eyes away from my girl and directs them at me. He’s either really fucking stupid or ballsy as fuck. I’m sure he knows of my winning status, just like I know of his. He’s got no clue his winning streak is about to end.

  I keep my eyes pinned on the motherfucker as Hart steps into the center of the room and begins introducing us and calling out the few rules he expects all fighters to follow.

  I stalk forward the moment Hart’s out of the way, ready to get this shit over and done with.

  His smirk stays on his face as he meets me in the middle.

  “That’s a nice piece you have there,” he taunts. �
�Looks like she’s a little hot and bothered. Maybe once I take your ass out, I’ll fix that problem for her.”

  I clamp my molars together, refusing to let him bait me. That shit may work on some fighters, but I’m smarter than that. It only adds more fuel to the fire raging inside me. I don’t get sloppy when I’m angry, it ups my game.

  This guy has signed his death warrant.

  When he doesn’t get the response he was hoping for, he takes his first swing, and I let it connect with my jaw. It fucking hurts like a bitch, but doesn’t jar me too bad, and it gives him the sense of the upper hand.

  I slowly turn back to face him, to see him still grinning, his white teeth shining in the light. I spit out a mouthful of blood onto the concrete and let my eyes speak of the hell he’s about to go through.

  When he throws his next punch, I put up an arm and block it, then follow through with an uppercut that has him staggering back and almost falling on his ass. One of the reasons I’ve stayed undefeated is because my punch packs a shit-ton of weight.

  He regains his balance and his head swings my way. His surprised gaze meets mine, and it’s my turn to smirk.

  Yeah, fucker. It’s not going to be as easy as you thought.

  The next time he throws his arm forward, aiming for my face, I duck and deliver a hit to his kidney. While he’s hunched over, I land another punch to his jaw. He falls on his ass, then continues down until he’s on his back, dazed but still conscious.

  But I’m not done with him. I want his ass completely out, so I straddle him and sit on his chest, wailing on his face. Blood splatters out of his nose and mouth with each hit he takes.

  By the time I’m pulled off him, his face is covered in blood and his nose looks like it’s sideways.

  “Enough,” someone barks in my ear as I’m dragged off him. I glare down at the bastard, satisfied when he doesn’t move and his eyes stay closed.

  That was way too fucking easy. The fight was over within minutes. How the hell could he be undefeated? Unless they have pussies fighting over in Wilmot County.

  Remembering the way he looked at Rylee, and the words he spoke to me, I sure as fuck wish it had lasted longer.

  I’m handed a towel, but before I use it to wipe my face, I look to where I left Rylee. She’s sandwiched between Charles and Hammer, her hand at her mouth, her eyes wide. She notices my gaze and slowly lowers her hand, a wide grin stretching across her face.

  I barely hear Hart as he announces the winner over the megaphone. After, he walks over to me, says something in my ear that I don’t hear, and walks away. The whole time, I’ve got my eyes pinned on Rylee. Her chest pumps heavily in rhythm with mine and her eyes flare with need. The blood rushing through my body heads straight to my dick.

  As I stalk her way, I quickly wipe the towel over my face and chest, then toss it to the floor. People clap me on the back and congratulate me, but I don’t stop to talk to them.

  Once I’m in front of her, I grab the sides of her head and slam my lips against hers. Her arms lock around my neck and she jumps up, wrapping her legs around me. I palm her ass and pull her center against my hard-on.

  I can’t hear her moans from the loud crowd, but I feel the vibrations of them against my lips. My cock grows painfully hard.

  “It’s a good thing I brought my own vehicle,” Charles says loudly, interrupting us.

  When I pull back, Rylee lets out a throaty laugh and licks her lips.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I grunt just loud enough for her to hear.

  She nods, and I let her ass go. I still need to see Hart about my winnings, but I’ll do that another day. I’m too anxious to get Rylee the hell out of here and alone.

  I pull on my shirt, then fist bump Hammer and thank him for keeping a watch over Rylee. The room is still full, but it’s starting to thin out a little, as we make our way out. Most people don’t stick around after the fight in case the cops are called.

  I force myself to take the stairs one step at a time instead of two or three as we make our way up. I’m tempted to toss her over my shoulder and sprint out of the building, but I don’t want to embarrass her.

  Once outside in the frigid air, I stop with Rylee at my truck.

  “Thanks for coming with me tonight,” she tells Charles.

  “Anytime you wanna come, let me know. I’m not ashamed to admit I love watching two sexy guys beat on each other.” He throws a wink my way and roams his eyes over my body.

  She laughs and snuggles up closer to my side, her hand going to my lower stomach. My muscles twitch at the touch. “Well, you’re going to have to find your own sexy guy. This one is mine.”

  Her claiming me turns me on even more.

  I’m just about to tell Charles to piss off, when he takes several steps back. “I better get out of here. Your boy looks like he’s ready to rip my head off.” He gives a little wave and grins. “Have fun.”

  Before Rylee has a chance to say anything, I’ve yanked the door open, have both of us inside the truck, and I’m roaring down the road. I usually have Rylee sit in the middle seat, but I purposely pushed her over to the passenger side and buckled her in.

  “Is everything okay?” she asks after a few seconds of silence.

  I don’t answer her, opting to keep my eyes on the road and my foot pressed on the gas. I can feel the anxious vibes coming off her, but I know if I stop to look at her now, I’ll pull over and have her on her back before she has a chance to realize what’s happening.

  I find the road that leads to the outdoor theater, and turn down the dark, overgrown path.

  I’m damn near panting and my heart is thumping hard in my chest by the time I stop and put my truck in park.

  I grip the steering wheel and take a deep breath, trying to rein in my ramped need. All of my effort is wasted when Rylee takes off her seatbelt and slides closer to me.

  Her hand touches my arm. “Zayden, what’s—”

  I turn to her, grab her hips, and push her down onto the bench seat. I’m leaning over her a split second later, my mouth consuming hers.

  The space is cramped as fuck, but I still manage to grip one of her legs and wrap it around my waist. My hips settle between hers and it feels like goddamn heaven when my cock meets her warm center.

  She grips my hair, tugging my head closer, just as anxious to taste me as I am to taste her. I rock my hips forward and hiss against her lips when the friction sends delicious pleasure through me.

  “Fuck, Rylee, I want you so fucking much right now,” I groan, trailing kisses down her neck.

  She tilts her head to the side and releases a deep moan. “I want you, too.”

  Those are words I’ve been dying to hear… but they come at the worst of times. There’s no fucking way I’ll allow her to lose her virginity in my truck in a deserted drive-in theater. But I’ll be damned if we can’t do other stuff.

  I lift up enough so I can get my hands between our bodies and start lifting her shirt. I shift my eyes to hers. “I won’t take you for the first time in my truck. You deserve something special.” Her breathing escalates when I expose her tits covered in a pink bra. “But I promise we’re not leaving here until I’ve given you the release you need and what I’ve been thinking about giving you all night.”

  Her chest shudders when she takes a shaky breath. I thank my lucky stars her bra has a front clasp as I pinch the material together and it gives way. Her tits bounce free and my mouth waters. Unable to deny my need, I lean down and take one of her nipples into my mouth. I suck hard and flick the tip with my tongue.

  Rylee lets out a small cry and arches her back, shoving her chest in my face. I palm her other breast and tweak her nipple between my fingers.

  My cock is so hard it feels like I could hammer nails with it. I want to yank my shorts down, rip her jeans and panties away, and shove myself inside her warm body, but I hold back my need. Right now this is about Rylee.

  I switch to h
er other breast, tugging at the tip with my teeth. Her hands snake into my hair, gripping the strands so tight my scalp burns. I wouldn’t care if she yanked out every strand. I fucking love that she’s so lost in her pleasure.

  An irritating sound comes from my glove box, and it takes me a second to realize it’s my phone. I ignore it and continue to devour Rylee’s tits. An act of God couldn’t pull me away from what I’m doing.

  A moment later, the buzzing starts again. I grab Rylee’s leg, about to hoist it higher so I can feel her against my cock better, when she tugs my head up by my hair.

  “Maybe you should answer that,” she pants.

  The ringing has already stopped again.

  “Just ignore it.”

  I’m lowering my head back to her breasts when the buzzing begins again. Irritated, I lift myself, yank open my glove box, and pull out my phone to shut the damn thing off. I see my dad’s name flash across the screen. Even though Danielle has been put on the transplant list, she’s definitely not out of the woods. She won’t be until she actually gets her new lungs and they take to her body.

  I sit back and bring the phone to my ear.

  “Everything okay with Danielle, Dad?”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine. I just need you to come home. They need me at work.”

  I lean my head back against the window and close my eyes, releasing a frustrated breath. “When?”

  “Now. I need to leave within the next thirty minutes.”

  Rylee sits up next to me and a moment later, her hand drops to my thigh. I lift my head and look at her. Her bra is snapped back into place and she’s righted her shirt. The sun set hours ago, but the moon is in just the right spot to shine in the truck and show off the flushed look on her cheeks.

  It pisses me off that I can’t enjoy that look and make it more pronounced.

  “Okay, I’ll be there in twenty.” My irritation evident.

  “Sorry, son. I know you had plans tonight with Rylee.”

  “It’s alright.”

  It has to be. I’ve got no other choice.

  “See you at home.”